Poker is a game played by players, in which the aim is to win a pot by getting a good hand or by betting other players into folding. It is a game of psychology, math and logic. It is also a very social game. It is important to know how to read the bets of other players and compare their hands (a high bet usually indicates a good hand, a low bet often indicates a bad one).
The game is traditionally played with a standard 52-card English deck. It was first developed in the United States and spread internationally around 1900. There are many variations of the game, each requiring different rules and strategies to play well.
In poker tournaments, a player may choose to make an initial bet before the cards are dealt, known as opening. If he does, the other players must place enough chips into the pot to raise him above his initial bet. This is called raising the pot.
If a player does not want to raise the pot, he can drop out of the game and no longer compete for the pot. This is known as folding.
It is possible to write interesting scenes using the five elements of plot conflict (exposition, rising action, revelation, tension and resolution). However, it is better to focus on writing about people’s reactions to each other, the way they flinched or smiled and the by-play between them. This makes for more interesting reading and will show admissions officers that you really love the subject of your essay.