A casino is a place where people can gamble and win money by playing games of chance or skill. Casinos often feature a variety of entertainment options, including live entertainment, dining, and spas. They are also popular destinations for tourists and business travelers. Despite the popularity of casinos, they are often considered harmful to local communities and can cause gambling addictions. The gambling industry is regulated by law in many countries.

A large portion of casino revenue comes from high rollers, which are players that spend more than average. These people gamble in special rooms, away from the main casino floor, and can spend tens of thousands of dollars on one bet. In exchange for their enormous spending, casinos give these high rollers various amenities and comps. These include free hotel rooms, meals, and entertainment.

Modern casinos employ a variety of security measures to protect their customers. They often use cameras, which are linked to computer systems that track bets minute-by-minute and alert operators of any statistical deviations. They also use chip tracking, in which betting chips have built-in microcircuitry that enables them to monitor player behavior and wager amounts.

While some movies have portrayed Las Vegas as a party city full of neon lights and opulence, Scorsese’s Casino is the most accurate in its portrayal of the city’s past ties to organized crime. The movie features mob bosses like Sam Rothstein (played by De Niro) and Nicky Santoro (Joe Pesci). Other characters in the film are based on real-life people, such as Frank Rosenthal and Ginger McKenna.